Modificar condiciones práctica actual (adenda)
To document any modification of a practice that you are carrying out, you must fill out an addendum. The addendum is a document that is made once the annex is signed by the three parties (University, company and student), to introduce modifications in it.
- It can be used for any change, except to extend the internship period, which must be done by renewing the internship with a new annex.
- Fill it out on a computer (documentation with a pen will not be processed).
- Incomplete or erroneous data may lead to non-processing.
- Fill in only the sections that you want to modify.
- Fill in the gaps in gray according to the type of exchange you want to formalize.
- Indicate in the “Previous data” column the original data collected in the annex that was processed at the time.
- Indicate in the “New data” column the new values that will govern the operation of the practice from the moment the document is managed.
- You must indicate which headings you want to modify in leaving the value “YES” or “NO” for each case.
The addendum must be printed in triplicate (same as the annexes), and must be signed in original by the company, including its seal, and by the student. Once the signatures and seal have been obtained, the three copies must be sent to the Occupational Observatory personally, by internal mail or by ordinary mail. You also have the possibility of processing the signature electronically, following these instructions (from point number 9).
Header: You must indicate the data of the annex, check the original document of the practice and copy the missing data in this template.
Name of the student, you must identify the name of the student and the name of the entity below:
Through this Addendum, the signatory parties agree to a modification of the conditions of the internship being carried out by the student Surname and first name student in the entity Name entity.
(A) Period changes: Internship modifications to change the internship start date retroactively are not allowed.
(A) Period changes: The end date will not exceed the end date of the academic year in which the internship began (September 30).
(A) Period changes: In the event of shortening the internship period and the company has paid the insurance and administrative expenses for a month in which you are not going to do an internship, you may request a refund of the corresponding amount, attaching proof of deposit, the addendum and an account number where you want the amount to be deposited.
(B) Schedules: Schedules involving more than 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week are not generally allowed.
(C) Changes in the financial aid bag for the student, if the internship is endowed with any economic amount, in money or in kind, the registration with the Social Security will proceed as assimilated to an employee. In these cases, the procedure will be to terminate the annex with unpaid internships in advance and generate a new internship annex with the amount to be contributed by the entity. More information on paid internships at:
(D) (E) Changes of guardian. The variations of the people linked to the tutoring of the practices must be detailed so that the tutors can communicate at a given moment and be able to send them the reports and requirements for their evaluation.
(F) The modification of tasks must be in accordance with the studies that the student is enrolled in.
(G) The type of changes “others” cannot contravene any of the previous provisions, the general provisions, or agreements of higher rank.
(H) If you wish to indicate that the practice signed was not finally executed, state it in the last section indicating a YES in the corresponding text, in which case the previous document will be completely without effect.
You must fill in all the fields, going from one to the other using the tabulator. If you do not remember any information, you can ask by email: .
Incomplete or erroneous data may lead to non-processing.
You can download the addendum model (.doc 1mb)
For a change of conditions in an internal practice (in departments, areas or services of the Miguel Hernández University), you must send an email to: .
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