(Español) Prácticas en centros hospitalarios universitarios adscritos a la UMH de estudiantado externo
“Due to the organization of the Spanish healthcare system, we can only manage internships/rotations/training programs for students enrolled in our university. In order to carry out internships in healthcare centers affiliated with UMH, according to the instructions provided by the Conselleria de Sanitat, the following must be obtained:
- A collaboration agreement signed between the student’s home university, the student, and the Conselleria de Sanitat.
- Authorization from the Dean’s Office of the UMH Faculty to which the equivalent degree program of the applicant is affiliated.
Another option may be to become a UMH student through the figure of a visiting student, which would grant access to teaching and internships as a UMH student. More information about this figure can be found at: https://internacional.umh.es/internacionalizacion/estudiante-visitante/“